

How do I add the time for my event?

Because everyone's needs are a little different, we don't have a way for you to put a time on your event. People are in different time zones, some people like 12 hour clocks and others 24 hour clocks, and others want to list a start and end time. For all these reasons, we've left off times and you can add the time in your event description. This allows you to deal with time any way you see fit.

How do I delete an event?

First, you can only delete events that are in planning. To delete an event, simply go to your dashboard and click on the event you wish to delete. If the event is in a planning stage, you will see a button to delete the event.

I accidently marked by event live and now I want to edit it!

Once you mark an event Live, you can only progress it to Archived. If you made a serious error and need to make corrections, please mark the incorrect event as Archived and create a new event. If the extra event puts you at your maximum events for a month, please open a support ticket and we can make a correction for you.

RSVPs and Invites

How do I add people that I want to invite to my event?

  1. First, go to the event detail page for the event you want to invite someone to. Then, locate the Invites widget.
  2. Now, add the invitees, one per a line, and click Add Invites. The invitees should each have a Name and Email Address. Each Name and Email Address should be separated by a comma.
  3. Invitees that have been successfully loaded will show in the Status tab of the Invite widget.
  4. If you attempt to load an invitee that is missing a key element (the Name or Email Address), or if the Email Address is invalid, it will show an error. If the invitee has already been invited (based on their email address), it will show as a duplicate.


John Smith,
Jane Doe,
Fred Dancer,

How do I get a QR Code for my event?

  1. Your event must be Live.
  2. Turn on Direct URL Response on the event details page.
  3. The QR Code will now be available along with all the other event details.

Why don't I see an option for Direct Response or QR Codes?

Your event must be marked Live first. Once you mark the event Live, you will see the option to turn on Direct Response. After Direct Response is turned on, you will see the QR Code displayed.